Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

I truly hope you enjoy this unit on storytelling.  If you're interested, the Common Core standards for this activity are listed on the Teacher's page...

Link to the app:

About StoryCorps and Why Stories Matter

Before crafting interview questions, decide who it is you will ask to participate.  That way you can tailor the questions to that person and decide how to scaffold them.

Link to the Great Questions handout:

Follow up questions for our debrief (both the interview with me and with your interviews over break):

  • How did you feel as an interviewer? What challenges or surprises did you encounter, and how did you work to address them?
  • Did you have the chance to go “off script” and ask a follow-up question? If so, what question did you ask, and how did that change your interview?
  • What question evoked a particularly memorable response?
  • What makes an interview different from a text as a historical reference?
  • What components contribute to differing perspectives of history?
  • What could future historians learn about 2017 from listening to your interview?
  • What would you do differently if you were to conduct another interview?
  • Who else in your life would you like to interview?

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